Punish me Punish me in the fitness

Sun, Dec 23, 2007

Imagine this

I was doing spinning for the first time in my life and it was pretty fun. Not as difficult as Thai Boxing but you loose a lot more kg grams doing this. I can already start seeing some improvement on my already prefect body J


I can hear some people screaming sometimes from the spinning studio and I guess people let go of themselves that might happen. But there is one guy how scream a lot all the bloody time. It’s more like he screams like a girl in bed.


Almost at the end of the class he does something really funny he screams


“Punish me Punish me!!”


I am sure he is referring to harder spinning but maybe not. This guy always comes in heave cycling gear and never attends any other class then this. Maybe its something with the saddle that turns him one. I let you know if I find out more.

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