Vanilla sex in Thailand

Sat, Dec 29, 2007

Sex in Thailand

We do not talk much sex here on the BDSM Thailand but there is a lot of vanilla sex that also is a lot of fun. I think one night stand is a fetish in itself, one night never to see it is a big turn on for me.

My friend had a blast the first time I came here because he discovered that the western girls wanted to have holiday sex but with all the Thai girls around it was not much they could get. So my friend totally ignored the Thai girls and started chasing the western girls and they where sitting ducks I can tell you that.

There is also western girls that work here and they are most of the time starved for sex and not to mention the so forbidden house wife’s. When then man in the house is out hunting Thai girls why don’t you show the house wife some old fashion loving.

So next time you are in Thailand and the Thai girls looks to spicy for you, grab a western girl next to you and you might get lucky.

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